duy-uttarakhand@ediindia.org 87077 28907, 94089 91263

Academic campuses in Uttarakhand have a major role to play in building a conducive Entrepreneurship Ecosystem. There is a need to bring changes in teaching pedagogy and develop entrepreneurial mind-sets, as per the mandates of National Education Policy (NEP-2020).

In this context, One-day workshop to sensitise Higher Education department officials and academicians on the objectives and the mandates of ‘Devbhoomi Udyami Yojana’. There will be deliberations and brainstorming on establishing the relevance of the Yojana in the context of NEP 2020 and to subsequently bring improvements in rankings across different platforms, including the Startup India State Ranking; National Institute Ranking Framework (NIRF) and Atal Ranking of Institutions on Innovation Achievements (ARIIA), Ministry of Education, Govt. of India.